It’s been a year since I last posted a blog. So much has happened that I just wanted to share the amazing gift God gave us over 9 months ago. On May 7, 2014 Steve and I had our dreams come true when our adopted son, Nolan was born at a hospital in Conroe, TX. Our story is unlike any I have ever heard and people are always shocked when we share it with them. God is still in the miracle business and our family is proof of that.
Steve and I had always hoped that God would give us the opportunity to adopt even if we were able to conceive of our own. For two years we had been researching adoption and began collecting paperwork from various agencies and making informational phone calls to find out what we could. We talked with several friends that had adopted or were currently on waiting lists with an agency. What we concluded from our research was that adoption was going to be another emotional and lengthy process just like the 8 years of infertility had been. Not to mention it was going to be expensive! We began coming up with our own plan to save and submit paperwork in the next 1-2 years. But God had his own adoption plan for us and we continue to be humbled by this precious life God has put into our arms and care.
Steve and I had always hoped that God would give us the opportunity to adopt even if we were able to conceive of our own. For two years we had been researching adoption and began collecting paperwork from various agencies and making informational phone calls to find out what we could. We talked with several friends that had adopted or were currently on waiting lists with an agency. What we concluded from our research was that adoption was going to be another emotional and lengthy process just like the 8 years of infertility had been. Not to mention it was going to be expensive! We began coming up with our own plan to save and submit paperwork in the next 1-2 years. But God had his own adoption plan for us and we continue to be humbled by this precious life God has put into our arms and care.
I can’t remember the exact day in February 2014 I received phone calls from dear friends that were instrumental in our adoption. I will forever be grateful for God’s divine appointments and friend connections he puts in our lives. Shortly after those calls we began contact with the birth family through emails that graduated to texts and phone calls. Then we were able to fly to Texas and meet this incredible family face to face. When we were flying home Steve and I felt like we had just visited family of our own flesh and blood due to the similarities in personality. We felt completely at ease and were genuinely sad to say goodbye and fly home. From that meeting on it was a whirlwind of emotions and God directed every step of our adoption journey.
In Ephesians 3:20 it says, “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us.” That scripture has become so dear to me over the last year and weeks before Nolan’s birth. The first moment I saw Nolan’s face and held him in my arms I had just a small glimpse of God’s love for me. As much as my heart swelled on May 7, 2014 and continues to swell more every day with love for Nolan it does not compare to how God feels about us, His children. All the prayers I had prayed over the years and tears I cried God had heard and seen each one. I had no idea the plan He had for my life during that waiting period would be “immeasurably more” than I could have ever dreamed or imagined.
Every obstacle we had to face before we met our baby were quickly resolved. In less than 3 months we were able to complete the pre-adoption paperwork, home study and get our nursery together. Our friends and family poured out so much love and support and gave generously to our adoption fund. Customers from our bakery, strangers, pastors all over NC and even students in our youth ministry years ago who were now adults gave. On top of the financial giving we were blessed abundantly with baby gifts and gently used baby items that we desperately needed. Again God was doing “immeasurably more” than I ever dreamed or asked for. He wasn’t just going to give me the desire of my heart to become a mother, he was going meet every need along the way. We were going to have the opportunity to privately adopt a new born baby. If that wasn’t enough of a miracle in itself, the birth family was going to allow us to be present for his birth in the hospital. And again God doing the “immeasurably more” I was able to be in the room for the C-section. I got to hold hands and pray with the birth grandmother and mother and witness the miracle of life first hand. I will cherish those surreal moments for the rest of my life. But wait there’s still more! Our family was extended not just by our son but we also gained his birth family as our own. We will never be able to say thank you enough to a courageous mother and selfless grandparents that gave us our son. What a joy and blessing it is to be able to share pictures and updates with them.
Now 9 months later Steve and I find ourselves still in shock that we are Nolan’s parents. Every day one or both of us asks the same questions over and over, “How did we get so lucky?” Maybe you are praying for a miracle baby of your own and are feeling like I did not so long ago that God isn’t listening. You feel so close to giving up because the pain and bitterness of disappointment have taken its toll on you. I want to encourage you to not give up. God is still in the miracle business. You may not see the answer to your prayers today but He is handcrafting his own plan. He has the perfect child in mind for you. I still cry a lot now that we have Nolan but for a different reason. I often think about what my life would have been like if God had answered my prayers years ago to have a baby. I could have missed out on being a mom to the sweetest, smartest and most handsome boy I have ever known. When I think that someone else could be raising Nolan my heart aches and I am reminded how truly blessed and thankful I am. God was using that waiting season to prepare Steve and I for His perfect plan. God’s plan and timing is ALWAYS best. Your miracle may be delayed but don’t doubt for a second that it is not in progress. God is always at work and doing immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine.